We exist to proclaim Jesus Christ

Sermons on “Non-Expositional”

Addictus: Control

Preached by Pastor Trevor Rysavy on June 17 2018. Here are the books and resources mentioned at the beginning of the sermon: You Are What You Love by James Smith – www.amazon.ca/You-Are-What-Love-…tual/dp/158743380X Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave – www.amazon.ca/Addictions-Banquet…spel/dp/0875526063 The Gospel in Life by Tim Keller – gospelinlife.com/

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Atonement – A Multi-Church Good Friday Gathering

This Good Friday, Urban Grace partnered with City Hill Church and The Exchange in a multi-church service. One of the biggest days in the Jewish calendar was the Day of Atonement. Of this day it is written, ‘For on this day shall atonement be made for you to cleanse you. You shall be clean before […]

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